Begun in 2005 as a way to educate the public about the state's largest city, an area non-profit operates with the belief that "The more people know about Detroit, the more they love it." I agree completely. Maureen Kearns and Jeanette Pierce are the co-founders of Inside Detroit, a Web site whose compelling mission has inspired me to name its online presence May's "Arresting Site of the Month."
Perhaps the best way to begin your tour of the site is at the Virtual Welcome Center, a directory of Detroit's bars and restaurants, art galleries, living options, and more. This is particularly handy if you're new to the area or have never really explored the city in depth. But it's also a guide for those who have lived here most (or all) of their lives, as there are plenty of new events and developments, and even Motor City regulars are bounds to uncover some hot/cool new destination or valuable piece of information. Once you're physically in town, visit the Downtown Welcome Center, located at 1253 Woodward Ave., open 11am-6pm Monday-Saturday.
The sharp folks at metromode have recently given space in their terrific publication to Pierce, who further details Inside Detroit's mission. Clearly, Pierce and Kearns have a deep passion for the city, as they answer the question: Why Detroit? Also check out the site's numerous and helpful links, sign up for their e-newsletter, and explore the many treasures of the Web site...and of Detroit itself.